Funny Youtube Video Ideas for 3 People

Looking for some cool YouTube channel ideas? Here are 52 to inspire you.

The beauty of the internet is there's a niche market for everything and if you can focus on it you can build a sustainable and viable business of it

Says Michelle Phan – a popular YouTuber with over 8 million subscribers.

For bloggers, coming up with a niche is the trickiest challenge and needs ground-breaking research (well, that's what it seems like to me.)

The same applies to beginner YouTubers who have the slightest clue about what niche to pick and which YouTube channel ideas would be suitable and profitable for them.

Lucky for you, I've done the complete research below (I kind of love to research now.)

So, if you wanted to start a YouTube channel but finding it challenging to think of the channel topic, this post is the best thing you'll read today. I would even recommend to bookmark it and check it regularly for updates.

What do I have to offer? 52 YouTube Channel Ideas.

Yup, not another 20-something list which repeats the same crap as shared by thousands of sites on the internet. To stand out, I spent 40+ hours watching different YouTube videos, analyzing their topic, popularity, monetization methods, and more. I wish my research will be worth your frickin time.

52 YouTube Channel Ideas Guaranteed to Work in 2020

Let's get started.

1. Unboxing

Unboxing Videos

Unboxing channels are one of the most popular YouTube videos, and people love to watch them. It feels good to see someone unpackaging a product and talking about what's in there.

There are literally thousands of channels doing the same thing, and they get views and subscribers. If you're good at discussing features and have some video skills, this niche will be golden.

You don't have to stick to gadgets or smartphones; some channels unbox toys, food packs, and shoes to name a few.

How to Monetize:

  1. Affiliate Marketing
  2. Sponsored Videos
  3. YouTube AdSense

YouTube Channel Examples:

  • Unbox Therapy
  • iJustine

2. Tech & Gadget Reviews

Gadget Reviews

Have you ever bought a piece of technology without watching at least 10s of review videos and reading review articles on the internet?

I haven't. I like to make an informed decision and buying gadgets is something which needs proper research.

Reviewing tech and gadgets products is another popular niche with lots of potentials (and competition.) If you're good at explaining the complicated features and putting your views, starting a review channel is something you should consider.

How to Monetize:

  1. Affiliate Marketing
  2. Sponsored Videos
  3. YouTube AdSense

YouTube Channel Examples:

  • Mrwhosetheboss

Sean from Think Media has created an excellent video explaining the steps to start a YouTube review channel.

3. Lifehacks

Life Hacks

These are one of my favorite videos, and I can watch them for hours without getting bored. The thing is that I get to learn something which quite possibly will help me in a few days or weeks.

One thing you'll notice is, these videos aren't too long. I mean, you can quickly make a list of "101 best life hacks," but that'd be just too boring to watch and harder to remember.

Instead, the videos are broken down into 5-10 life hacks and under 3-4 minutes. Also, there is less talking and more demonstration.

If you're creative and have some tricks under your sleeves, start a life hack channel. You can talk about airport hacks, shopping, money saving, daily life hacks, etc.

How to Monetize:

  1. YouTube AdSense

YouTube Channel Examples:

  • Bright Side

4. TubeBuddy

OK, so this isn't exactly a content idea but TubeBuddy is an essential tool for anyone looking to grow their YouTube channel. Their free browser extension adds a layer of tools directly on top of YouTube's website. They provide everything you need to optimize your channel, save time and ease frustrations. Their features include tonnes of productivity tools like thumbnail generators and scheduled uploads, as well as some really useful Video SEO (to help your YouTube videos gain more views) and promotional tools.


  1. Productivity Tools
  2. Video SEO
  3. Promotional Tools
  4. Bulk Processing
  5. Data & Research

Click here to download TubeBuddy

5. Fail Compilations

Fail Compilation YouTube Channel Ideas

Don't judge me but whenever I feel a little low, I prefer watching fail compilations videos which bring a smile to my face. Although I do feel sorry for the people, it makes me chuckle about how stupid humans can be at times.

If you're anything like me, you'd have watched hundreds of such fail compilation videos till now to lighten your mood. Ironically, you'd have also shared it with your friends who increase the views and make it go viral.

Starting a fail compilation channel is an easy job as you only compile funny fail videos from social media and add interesting music.

How to Monetize:

  1. YouTube AdSense

YouTube Channel Examples:

  • The Best Fails
  • FailArmy

6. Health & Fitness Tips

Health and Fitness YouTube Channel Ideas

What's the first place you go to get some health tips or workout plans? Either Google or YouTube.

But if you need some exercises and workouts, it is better to watch it someone performing rather than written instructions.

Fitness and health-related channels are a huge hit, and if you have a story which can connect viewers, you'll be able to stand tall.

If you're too shy to face the camera but good at animation, you can create an animated character performing the activities (not the best way, but gets the job done.)

How to Monetize:

  1. YouTube AdSense
  2. Affiliate Marketing
  3. Sell Custom Diet or Workout plans

YouTube Channel Examples:

  • Jordan Yeoh Fitness
  • Roberta's Gym

7. World or Local News

News Channel YouTube Channel Ideas

Becoming a VJ or a news anchor would be a dream for many. But for certain things, you may not become a full-time news anchor and doing something else.

Starting a news channel where you cover daily local or world news is a great chance to follow your passion. You can make your room a studio and get some good lighting condition to shoot the videos.

Since it may take some time to become a reliable source of information, try to focus on a specific niche and audience for instant growth. For instance, you can create an interview series where you invite local heroes or famous celebrities to ask questions.

How to Monetize:

  1. YouTube AdSense

YouTube Channel Examples:

  • BBC News
  • Zee News

8. Celeb Gossip

Celebrity Gossip YouTube Channel Ideas

I don't feel proud to say, but celeb gossip is among the most popular YouTube channels. As it is, we are more interested in someone else's life than to ours.

Fans always want to know what their favorite celebrity is doing, wearing, traveling, or mingling with someone. It gives them a chance to talk to other fans.

If you're interested in such things and wouldn't mind creating daily videos and keeping track of other's lives, you can start a celeb gossip YouTube channel.

How to Monetize:

  1. YouTube AdSense

YouTube Channel Examples:

  • Nicki Swift
  • Clevver News

9. Food & Restaurant Reviews

Food and Restraunt Review YouTube Channel Ideas

Supes foodies! Thought I would miss this niche? Being a foodie myself, I spend hours watching reviews of local places and foods by different YouTubers. It makes me well-informed about nearby restaurants, new launches, and where to go next time I get food cravings.

I'm too shy to get out and shoot my own videos (added to bucket list), you aren't me.

If you're a foodie and love to try out new places and restaurants in town, starting a food review channel is for you. The best part is that you don't have to compete with international YouTubers or big studio channels. It is easier to target the city you live in and nearby locality only.

How to Monetize:

  1. YouTube AdSense
  2. Sponsored reviews

YouTube Channel Examples:

  • KDBProductionsTV
  • Bon Appetit

10. Cooking Videos

Cooking YouTube Channel Ideas

Being a foodie and cook are two entirely different things. It's not necessary that a foodie loves cooking (I don't) and vice versa. If you have a passion for cooking and love to make new recipes, this YouTube Channel idea is for you.

Next time you cook something delicious, just get a camera and start shooting. If your instructions are clear and recipe unique, it won't be hard to get loyal audience base.

How to Monetize:

  1. YouTube AdSense
  2. Sell recipe books or teach cooking

YouTube Channel Examples:

  • Hilah Cooking
  • Divas Can Cook

11. Kitchen Hacks

Kitchen Hacks YouTube Channel Ideas

It is a niched-down version of lifehacks targeted towards everyone who spends hours in the kitchen and wants to make their life easier. In this YouTube channel, you can recommend some gadgets or tools which makes cutting vegetables easier or cleaning hacks to keep the kitchen neat.

The market is strong, and anyone who likes to cook would be your ideal audience. You can combine the cooking and kitchen hacks into a single YouTube channel.

How to Monetize:

  1. YouTube AdSense
  2. Affiliate Marketing

YouTube Channel Examples:

  • Household Hacker

12. How To Videos

How To YouTube Channel Ideas

Creating how-to videos require some research and expertise from your end, but if done right, there's vast potential. Sites like WikiHow are an excellent example of how to websites which get thousands of daily visitors.

Starting a YouTube channel covering different how-to guides allows you to show expertise and expand in any niche. You can teach kids "how to draw an apple," means "how to tie a tie," and women's "how to wear a wig." You aren't limited to a specific set of audience, and there will always be room for growth. However, it is a not a one-man or woman show. You need to have a team of people having some experience in a respective niche.

How to Monetize:

  1. YouTube AdSense
  2. Affiliate Marketing

YouTube Channel Examples:

  • DrScrew
  • HowToBasic

13. Pranks & Spoof

Prank YouTube Channel Ideas

If you're creative, not afraid of going out in public, and able to pull out funny pranks, this is a great opportunity. Prank and Spoof videos are prominent on YouTube and if you manage to make someone smile or furious, expect a share.

I would suggest you keep the pranks harmless and violence-free. You may get legal issues if someone complains and it would be hard to explain to the police. The pranks may go wrong, and someone could get hurt as well, so plan the videos accordingly.

How to Monetize:

  1. YouTube AdSense
  2. Brand Collaboration

YouTube Channel Examples:

  • theCHAIZYchannel
  • RomanAtwood

14. Makeup & Beauty

Make and Beauty YouTube Channel Ideas

Are you the go-to-person in your group when your pals need a makeup done for special occasions? Or you just like to apply different beauty products and improve your look? If yes, starting a YouTube channel which talks about makeup tips, beauty product reviews, makeup hacks, etc. is what you should be doing.

Listen, people want to look beautiful, and there's no denying that a little makeover can make you more attractive and pleasing. You've got an enormous audience, and if you some experience, you can create exciting videos. As it goes without saying, this type of YouTube channel ideas require you to face the camera and connect with viewers.

How to Monetize:

  1. Affiliate Marketing
  2. Sell Courses and Personal Coaching
  3. Sponsored Product Reviews
  4. YouTube AdSense

YouTube Channel Examples:

  • Beauty Club
  • Chrissy Costanza

15. Comic and Superhero

Comic and Superhero News YouTube Channel Ideas

Billions of superhero fans spend hours watching movies, reading comics, and discussing with their friends. If you too are from the same tribe, starting a YT channel and giving information about new comics, superhero movies, loopholes, explaining concepts, etc. can be a great niche.

Since you already have passion, it won't be hard to research and talk in-depth. You can also share movie reviews, comic reviews, and create a community of like-minded subscribers.

How to Monetize:

  • YouTube AdSense

YouTube Channel Examples:

  • ComicsExplained
  • Pagey

16. Travel Vlogging

Travel Vlogging YouTube Channel Ideas

Traveling the world is a dream almost everyone wants to accomplish. And what's better than earning money while traveling and your videos cover the expenses?

Starting a traveling YouTube channel is a great idea for those who wish to roam around the world, recording their experiences, creating beautiful memories, and earn at the same time. You aren't bound to a cubicle and can work from anywhere in the world (with an internet connection, of course.)

Due to the competition, you will have to have a unique perspective and some video skills to stand out. Also, there's an investment required to buy cameras, travel gears, stay accommodation, etc. for your starting videos. However, if you can attract an audience, you'll cover up the expenses pretty soon.

How to Monetize:

  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Sell eBooks and Travel Guides
  • YouTube AdSense

YouTube Channel Examples:

  • Cartia Mallan
  • Erik Conover

17. Dash & Security Cams

Security Cam Dash Cam YouTube Channel Ideas

It is strange but popular YouTube channel idea. If you own a vehicle or live in a happening locality, installing a dash cam can give you some exciting videos worth sharing with the world.

Car accidents, robberies, or other types of interesting videos will get you views and subscribers. Moreover, you can also compile videos from different sources and upload on your dash and security cam channel.

How to Monetize:

  • YouTube AdSense

YouTube Channel Examples:

  • Dash Cam Owners Australia

18. Comedy

Are you the funniest guy in your group who manage to make everyone chuckle with your acts or jokes? If so, starting a YouTube channel sharing some comedy videos would be a perfect fit for you.

You can create story videos, mimic someone, become a stand-up comedian, or just roast a famous celebrity. Whatever you decide, if your content is good, people will watch, share, and subscribe to you.

Tip: Get inspiration from your day-to-day life and try to make relatable videos.

How to Monetize:

  • YouTube AdSense
  • Sponsored Videos

YouTube Channel Examples:

  • Zakir Khan
  • MarkAngelComedy

19. Fashion & Style Tips

Fashion YouTube Channel Ideas

It is another lucrative and popular YouTube niche with stiff competition. If you have some knowledge about fashion and know what will look good on others, you can start a fashion and style channel. You don't have to be an expert or someone with a degree to share your views and suggestions.

The type of contents you create can be summer outfit ideas, how to pair a jacket, fashion for plus size, etc. which can bring thousands of viewers. The more frequently you post, the better.

How to Monetize:

  • Affiliate Marketing
  • YouTube AdSense
  • Brand Collaboration

YouTube Channel Examples:

  • Amynicolaox
  • BluMaan

20. Hair Care & Hairstyle Ideas

Hair Style and Hair Care YouTube Channel Ideas

Similar to the above one, hair care and hairstyle are another niches to explore. A right haircut can change the look and who doesn't want to protect their hair from falling or turning grey.

If you have faced the same problems and managed to get out of it somehow, then your channel can attract the audience facing similar issues. You do need to have good hairs for your channel to work, so make sure you keep them protected and stylish.

YouTube video ideas you can cover are hairstyle ideas for short hair, how to stop hair fall, hair product reviews, etc. I would suggest you create a personal story in every video which will keep the viewers hooked.

How to Monetize:

  • Affiliate Marketing
  • YouTube AdSense
  • Brand Collaboration

YouTube Channel Examples:

  • BluMaan
  • Luxy Hair

21. City Tours

City Tour YouTube Channel Ideas

It is a sub-niche of traveling but can be profitable if done correctly. Instead of creating travel videos about a country, you'll record your city tours and explore the best places in there. It gives you more opportunity and time to explore more places which many top country travelers may miss.

You also don't need a budget as you can start right from where you live and nearby cities. Additionally, it'll be easier for you to reach out to local stores or restaurants and ask them for paid promotion.

Although the target audience will be small in the beginning, you'll be able to expand your reach as you travel to different countries.

How to Monetize:

  • YouTube AdSense
  • Local Promotion
  • Affiliate Marketing

YouTube Channel Examples:

  • Petmax Adventure
  • Gateways and Guitars

22. Horror Videos

It is more of a challenging YouTube channel idea as opposed to passion or fun. Millions of people do not believe in horror events and would ignore the videos. However, many do believe in paranormal activities and would be more than interested in watching the complete video.

You don't have to get your ghost kit and actually go out there looking for ghosts. You can narrate favorite horror stories, discuss haunted places, or just compile different videos.

How to Monetize:

  • YouTube AdSense

YouTube Channel Examples:

  • Mr. Nightmare

23. Sports

Sport YouTube Channel Ideas

Do I need to tell you about this niche? There are thousands of games being played in the world, each having a passionate group of followers who don't want to miss any damn thing.

If you are a sporty person with a *deep* interest in at least one of the sports, try creating a YouTube channel on it. You can give tips, teach strategies, share highlights, etc.

How to Monetize:

  • YouTube AdSense

YouTube Channel Examples:

  • Spor Dilisi HD

24. Parody

Parody YouTube Channel Ideas
Justin Bieber "Sorry" Parody – YouTube

You must be familiar with this type of videos by now. Many popular entertainment channels have started making parodies of popular movie scenes, songs, or trailers in a funny way.

You do need to be creative and have a proper script with you to create trending videos.

How to Monetize:

  • YouTube AdSense

YouTube Channel Examples:

  • Bart Baker

25. Trailer and Movie Reactions

Another niche which got popularity in recent years. I do not know why, but people love to see someone else's reactions to videos and laugh over it. I mean there's nothing unique or extraordinary about these videos except that the dude on camera knows how to express.

Nevertheless, this is now a popular niche and why not to jump before it's too late. You have to grab a camera, start a video, record your exact expressions while watching it, add some extra funny comments, and publish it. Easy peasy!

Do note that there's a lot of hate for reaction channels on the internet and you're bound to attract haters. Just try to ignore them and focus on your content.

How to Monetize:

  • YouTube AdSense

YouTube Channel Examples:

  • Blastphamous HD TV
  • CarryMinati

26. DIY Crafts

Craft and DIY YouTube Channel Ideas

Do you enjoy crafting or making things for yourselves? Would you rather create a pen holder yourself from waste than buying it?

If yes, DIY crafts are one of the best YouTube Channel ideas I can suggest. Your niche audience will be like-minded people who themselves enjoy such crafting so you'll get support and encouragement.

So, the next time you want to DIY something, start your camera and record it. Who knows, you might one day get popular from it.

How to Monetize:

  • YouTube AdSense
  • Affiliate Marketing

YouTube Channel Examples:

  • Blossom
  • 5-Minute Crafts

27. Drawing & Sketching Tutorials

Drawing and Sketching YouTube Channel Ideas

If you want to continue with your hobby of drawing or sketching, why not teach others as well? You can start a YouTube channel and target nursery kids, school kids, or even adults with your tutorials.

Drawing a rose is still a challenge for many (including me), so a step-by-step video will help us. Gradually you can increase your level and teach complex drawings. You not only earn money in the process, but you can also become a well-known influential, and a celebrity everyone appreciates.

How to Monetize:

  • YouTube AdSense
  • Paid Coaching

YouTube Channel Examples:

  • NatureArts
  • RapidFireArt

28. Music Instrument Tutorials

Music Instrument Teaching YouTube Channel Ideas

If we're talking about hobbies already, why not discuss music. From playing guitar to drumming, each requires a specific set of skills and no one just get it "magically"

Teaching music instruments to beginners is a popular niche and if you can simplify the techniques, you'll become popular before you know it. If you get popular, you can even start your own music academy or band.

How to Monetize:

  • YouTube AdSense
  • Paid Coaching
  • Affiliate Marketing

YouTube Channel Examples:

  • Andy Guitar

29. Dance Tutorials

Dance Tutorials YouTube Channel Ideas

Who doesn't want to rock the stage with their killer dance moves or at least not dance like a lunatic? I'm sure no one and learning simple dance steps from YouTube is the first thing that crosses our mind.

If you have a passion for dance and want to be known as a "guru", starting a YouTube channel teaching dance steps, choreography, or showing your dance skills would be great.

Now you don't have to be flawless and an award-winning dancer to create a channel but passion and some cool moves will get you through.

How to Monetize:

  • YouTube AdSense
  • Paid Coaching and Courses

YouTube Channel Examples:

  • Mihran Kirakosian
  • The Dance Mafia

30. Baby Videos

Baby Videos YouTube Channel Ideas

Awwww! She's so cute.

Have you seen your friends making crazy faces when they see babies and though what's going on? Well, they aren't alone. As explained in this article, there are many reasons why we find babies cute and adorable.

Baby videos are popular on the internet and so on YouTube. People love to watch their actions and silly things they do. If you have a baby in the house, who just like every other baby speak an alien language and do adorable things, get a camera and record him/her.

Alternatively, you can compile cute baby videos and upload on your channel.

How to Monetize:

  • YouTube AdSense

YouTube Channel Examples:

  • BabiezTV

31. Pets & Animals

Pets and animal YouTube Channel Ideas

Owning a pet has been known to increase productivity and make humans happier. If you're alone or depressed, a pet can quickly improve your mood and make you up and be running.

But it's not like that only people who own a pet love them, anyone and everyone find them cute and will happily watch the videos for hours.

If you're a proud pet owner, starting a YouTube channel about pets and animals can help you go big. You can just record your pet doing cute things and upload it on YouTube. Or you can create informative videos talking about nutrition, discipline, etc. which can help other pet owners.

How to Monetize:

  • YouTube AdSense
  • Affiliate Marketing

YouTube Channel Examples:

  • Funny Pets

32. Time Lapse

It is a technique of capturing a sequence of frames over a period of time to show the changes happened during that period. This is something which requires skills with cameras.

Now, you don't have to be a regular traveler to create time-lapse videos. You can just record a construction site, sunset, house renovation, etc. and upload on YouTube.

How to Monetize:

  • YouTube AdSense
  • Paid Coaching

YouTube Channel Examples:

  • Morten Rustad

Here's a handy tutorial to help you create your first ever time lapse videos.

33. Behind The Screen Videos

Another crazy niche with huge audience base. Everyone knows what goes on the screen, but the story of behind the scene is completely different and interesting.

If you know a popular YouTuber or channel owner, contact him/her and ask to record a behind the scene video of their next shoot. You can record how actors communicate with each other, what goes in creating it, other funny incidents, etc.

How to Monetize:

  • YouTube AdSense

34. Education Channel

Education YouTube Channel Ideas

Are you a good teacher with sky clear concept about a certain subject(s) or topic? Well, you can start an education channel to deliver your knowledge and make money at the same time.

Moreover, by teaching others, you'll automatically establish yourself as a trusted person with good knowledge of the subject. I'm doing a similar task but with my writing. On this blog, I teach others to start a blog and make money online.

How to Monetize:

  • YouTube AdSense
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Paid Coaching

YouTube Channel Examples:

  • brusspup
  • English Singsing

35. Car and Bike News + Reviews

Car and Bike Review YouTube Channel Ideas

I don't think you need an introduction to people's love for vehicles. People go crazy just to have a look at their favorite car, save for years to buy a new car/bike, and do extensive research before finalizing the purchase.

This is where you come into the picture and help them make an informed decision talking about all the pros and cons of a specific automobile. You do need to have some investment to get a review unit or rent the vehicle for review but it'll be worth it if your channel becomes popular.

How to Monetize:

  • YouTube AdSense
  • Affiliate Marketing

YouTube Channel Examples:

  • CarAndBike
  • RegularCars

36. Gaming Videos

Gaming YouTube Channel Ideas

Do you know who's the biggest YouTube star?

At the time of writing this article, he's none other than PewDiePie – a video game player, with an astonishing 63.6+ million subscribers. What does he do? He's a game streamer who plays different games and records his play with commentary.

There are thousands of other YouTubers making big in the same niche and there's a huge audience.

If you're a good gamer and not afraid to share your gaming experience with others (with voice or video recording), starting a gaming YouTube channel should be a great job for you.

And with royal battle games like PUBG and Fortnite – both of which you can play on a smartphone, it's even easier to become a game streamer.

How to Monetize:

  • YouTube AdSense
  • Accept Donations
  • Sponsorship

YouTube Channel Examples:

  • PewDiePie
  • EliteShot

37. Viral Challenges

Viral Challenges YouTube Channel Ideas

Mannequin, ice bucket, Dame Tu Cosita, cinnamon challenge, etc. took the internet by storm in recent years, especially YouTube. People from around the corners started posting their videos giving a try to these viral challenges.

It's a viral niche and has the potential to bring millions of visitors in a few months alone. You can either shoot yourself doing the challenge, get others in your area to do it, or just compile different videos shared on the internet.

Note that you may not always be able to monetize the videos as they could be copyrighted, but your channel would grow.

How to Monetize:

  • YouTube AdSense

YouTube Channel Examples:

  • DumbGenious

38. Interview and Ask Me Anything Videos

Secretly, we all want to ask some personal questions to our favorite celebrity or influential person. It can be related to business, fun, strategies, etc. which can clear our doubts.

Wouldn't it be awesome if there exists a YouTube channel which interviews these celebs and gives us an opportunity to ask the questions? It sure is.

So, if you want to steal this idea, go ahead and start a YouTube channel interviewing and hosting AMA sessions of popular internet celebs.

How to Monetize:

  • YouTube AdSense

39. Reenact Videos

An act to perform again. Reenact videos means you've to recreate a certain incident or event. It doesn't have to be serious and you need not reenact a world war.

You can act on a TV show, play, music video, or anything popular which can attract the audience. Or you can recreate family pictures, your old YouTube videos, etc.

How to Monetize:

  • YouTube AdSense

40. Digital Marketing & Blogging

Blogging Digital Marketing YouTube Channel Ideas

It is a niche which is often overshadowed by business, marketing, or education categories. But being passionate about it, I'm talking about it separately.

Blogging is no longer a weekend hobby but a professional career choice which is used by thousands of people to make millions every year. It allows you to work at your own comfort, place, and time.

Digital Marketing is a broader niche which covers search engine, social media, paid adverts, etc. used to market products on the internet.

How to Monetize:

  • Affiliate Marketing
  • YouTube AdSense
  • Sell Courses

YouTube Channel Examples:

  • Neil Patel
  • Harsh Agrawal

41. Yoga

Yoga YouTube Channel Ideas

Similar to the above YouTube channel idea, let's not cover the Yoga under Health and Fitness niche. It's more than that. It not only deals with the physical aspect of the body but also with mental and spiritual practices.

Yoga is recommended to everyone facing stress and needs a better lifestyle. If you've some knowledge about Yoga, you can share it with others suffering from the same problems.

How to Monetize:

  • YouTube AdSense
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Sell Courses

YouTube Channel Examples:

  • Mind Body Soul
  • Stylecraze Yoga

42. Helpful Software and Apps

The app stores are overcrowded with tons of helpful and useless apps which remain unexplored by millions. There's no denying that some of these apps can make our lives easier, save time, and more productive.

But there's not enough time to check these apps and software to decide which one is actually helpful. You can make this whole process easier. If you love technology but aren't a hardcore technical person, this niche would be a perfect fit for you.

What you'll be doing is to browse the internet, find some cool apps, make a list of helpful ones, and create a video about it. You aren't limited to a specific category or audience as you can create videos in health & fitness, travel, business, marketing, etc. niches.

How to Monetize:

  • YouTube AdSense
  • Affiliate Marketing

YouTube Channel Examples:

  • GadgetGig

43. Animated Stories

It is not a one-person niche idea but requires a team of talented individuals. The work involved can be hectic, but kids and teens getting access to gadgets make it a huge niche.

The profit level is great and major production houses are trying to enter this niche and dominate it. If you have good investment and know people with skills, start a channel in this niche.

How to Monetize:

  • YouTube AdSense

YouTube Channel Examples:

  • T-Series Kids Hut

44. Daily Vlogging

Vlogging YouTube Channel Ideas

Are you someone who just can't have enough of the camera?

Do you enjoy being on camera and record your day-to-day activities with an interesting commentary?

If so, starting a daily vlog channel can help you achieve the stardom you've been craving for so long. You can record your restaurant trip, travel journey, a service experience etc. and share with the world your day.

You may think what's so interesting about these videos and why would anyone watch it? Trust me, there are thousands of people who would love to see what's going on your life and gladly subscribe you.

Here are some of the most entertaining YouTube vloggers to get inspired and going.

How to Monetize:

  • YouTube AdSense
  • Brand Endorsement

YouTube Channel Examples:

  • Casey Neistat

45. Motivational & Inspirational Videos

Motivation and Inspiration YouTube Channel Ideas

When we feel low, a motivation video is what it takes to pick yourself up and get going with harsh life. But, creating a motivational & inspirational video is a challenging task which needs proper direction and storytelling.

It becomes even harder to create such videos if you yourself don't feel good and motivated. But, if you're someone with a lot of positive attitudes and desire to make things work, this is a perfect niche.

How to Monetize:

  • YouTube AdSense

YouTube Channel Examples:

  • Be Inspired
  • Jay Shetty

46. Gardening Tips & Tricks

Gardening is another passion or hobbyist niche with thousands of audience to target. It not only makes you feel good (by saving nature), you get fresh organic products from your own garden.

I have tried gardening in the past and with the steps involved, I quickly understood that it's not something I can do on a long-term. However, if you have the knowledge, you can help others like me who want to try it but are overwhelmed with the steps involved.

How to Monetize:

  • YouTube AdSense
  • Affiliate Marketing

YouTube Channel Examples:

  • Gardening is my Passion

47. Lifestyle Advice

Being the second largest search engine (after Google), YouTube is a place where one searches for lifestyle advice. You'd be surprised to know that one of the most search terms on YouTube is "how to kiss."

If you have good experience with anything related to lifestyle (finance, relationship, dating, health, etc.), you can start a channel sharing advice. It'll help you become an expert in the field which can further help you sell your own courses or books.

To improve your interaction with fans, considering hosting an AMA session or ask your viewers to comment on the most common problem they face. Create a video about the most talked-about topic you've received.

How to Monetize:

  • YouTube AdSense
  • Sell Courses and eBooks

YouTube Channel Examples:

  • Kalyn Nicholson

48. Magic Tricks

Magic Tricks YouTube Channel Ideas

Hey Dr. Stephen Stranger, why not start a magic channel showing the world how to pull the tricks and look cool. Well, I know you can't be a real magician but you can act like one.

There are many YouTube channels who share magic tricks and make the audience go wow! You can do the same. Learn tricks from the internet or books, and master it before creating interesting videos showing it off.

Alternatively, you can also become a digital magician. Use digital tools (Adobe Photoshop, Premier) to create illusions and surprise others on the Internet.

How to Monetize:

  • YouTube AdSense

YouTube Channel Examples:

  • Magic Secret Revealed

49. Destruction

A weird niche which somehow gives a feeling of satisfaction by destroying different products. Often involves hydraulic press machines, but can be done with hammers, rod, fireball, or anything else.

It can be dangerous so I would recommend taking care of safety before doing anything. You'll also need amazing cameras to record in slow-mo.

How to Monetize:

  • YouTube AdSense

YouTube Channel Examples:

  • Hydraulic Press Channel

50. Book Reviews

Book Reviews YouTube Channel Ideas

How can I forget one of the most passionate niches with a huge audience base? Books are known to be human's best friend (after pets I guess) and best resource to get information.

If you are a bookworm and enjoy reading books, why not share your personal reviews to help others decide. You can share what you liked, what could be improved, how engaging it is, and other points which can help other readers make an informed decision. Other than reviews, creating top 10 list videos is also a good idea.

How to Monetize:

  • YouTube AdSense
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Sponsored Product Reviews

YouTube Channel Examples:

  • One Percent Better
  • Indian Booktuber

51. Screencast Videos

If you're shy to be in front of the camera but still want to share your knowledge, screencast it. It involves recording your computer screen and sharing step-by-step guide about something you know.

You can use any of the free/paid screen recorders and narrate the steps either through voice or caption. You can attract some good audience base if you've video editing skills.

Here's a quick guide for you.

How to Monetize:

  • YouTube AdSense
  • Affiliate Marketing

52. Top X Lists

Top Listicle

If you're good at research and can add voice narration, creating a YouTube channel which ranks Top X things won't be a difficult task. There are tons of channels which cover top 10 items, but you can go for odd numbers like "top 13" or "top 21" to stand out.

Generally, you'll have to collect videos and images of the thing you're talking about, and either add a voice-over explaining each one or on-screen captions(not recommended.)

How to Monetize:

  1. YouTube AdSense
  2. Affiliate Marketing (in case you're ranking products)

YouTube Channel Examples:

  • Top 5 Best
  • WatchMojo

Final Words

Oh my God! I didn't keep a track of words and now it turned out to be a super-massive 5,000+ words article. I hope the research and hard work I put into it, was worth your precious time and you found at least one YouTube Channel idea worth continuing.

Best Gear For YouTubers

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Which one of the YouTube ideas you found most interesting? Let me know in the comments section below. And if you have another interesting YouTube channel ideas missing here, comment it down.

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